Creating install package with visual studio 2005

If you have a. NET Core project in your Visual Studio solution, here is how to include its output in the setup project:. After publishing the application, go back to "Add Project Output" and select the newly created publish profile:. The final step is to build the Advanced Installer project in order to update the output files. Advanced Installer extension for Visual Studio Creating Deployment Setups for.

Advanced Installer User Guide. Table of Contents. Create an installer from Visual Studio The following article uses options that are available starting with the Freeware edition and project type.

Open the Visual Studio solution 2. Add an Advanced Installer Project to the solution 3. Create the first install package 4. Edit the installer project 5. Add another Visual Studio Project to the solution 6. Create the final install package 7. Automatically import. So I have followed exactly the same process as before, create a clean reference machine, install the pre requisites, run the admin install to create a transform file, create the package within SMS.

However this time round, it just doesn't install. I have tried running the command manually and in an SMS package, the Windows installer starts up, looks as if it's installing, then after a couple of minutes just goes away again. No errors, nothing. I have checked and double checked to make sure I didn't make a maintenence mode transform. Totally pulling my hair out now, does anyone have any ideas? Or has anyone had problems with this version of VS Kindest Regards, Jason.

Asked 15 years ago views. Software Deployment Package Development. Posted by: Jabenedicic 15 years ago. Ok here is what I have managed to pick out of the log files. It doesn't mean too much to me I'm very new to the packaging game.

If Not objFSO. Catch e As Exception. Throw e. The only thing is that, if the user deletes the shortcuts, they are created again when the program runs. Suppose I could create a text file with, say, an integer value in it starting with 1. After shortcuts are created, this value is changed to 0 and the program checks this value when it runs. If 1, creates shortcuts, otherwise does nothing.

Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. ClickOnce and Setup. Sign in to vote. Wednesday, August 15, PM. Hi, bogorman, Based on my understanding, you are asking about 1 where is the exe file after deploying your solution 2 Why the shortcut is not created onto desktop, am I right?

Now let me answer your questions. HT1 and this folder cannot be manually changed. Monday, August 20, AM. Hi, bogorman, I think your method to handle this shortcuts is very good. The only way in my mind is that you may use application settings as an alternative. For example. You can create a setting named shortcut in your application settings, Code Snippet. Wednesday, August 22, AM. Hi Yu Guo, Thanks very much for your rapid and helpful reply.

Regards Brian. Hi, bogorman, You are right, Setup Project is not designed for that, it works like your common software installation program which should be started from your local drive, because it needs all files ready for installation. Hi, Thanks very much. Most helpful.


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