Attracting abundance with eft. carol book pdf

The author provides specific statements to guide the process. She covers all the possible fears and beliefs that can sabotage the ability to attract and enjoy a life of abundance. Readers can pick and choose what to focus on as they study the helpful and clear table of contents. In addition, readers can play Abundance Games. I felt positively euphoric after trying End Result Imagery and know that everyone who reads this book will find it easy to practice the Gratitude Walk.

More filters. Sort order. May 25, Sagan Morrow rated it really liked it. This book features a variety of different guided examples for using EFT—it's easy to find exactly what you're looking for and provides some great ideas for practicing tapping.

You'll get the most from it if you have some foundational knowledge of EFT, however, as this is really more of a guide for how to use EFT for different scenarios. May 25, Christy Peterson rated it really liked it Shelves: self-help. This is a script book, not one to be read through. EFT for all kinds of abundance: health, love and prosperity.

Rachel Archelaus rated it really liked it Jan 22, Pam Jackson rated it liked it Jan 13, Luan Jones rated it liked it Apr 20, Patricia Selmo rated it really liked it Sep 23, Shirley Jolly rated it it was ok Aug 25, Kit Freeborn rated it it was ok May 21, Alan L. Cook rated it liked it Feb 22, Frances Lesley Percival rated it it was amazing Mar 13, Matt Neputin rated it liked it Feb 17, Kevin Donaldson rated it it was amazing Dec 06, Matt Fox rated it it was ok Jul 05, Sophie rated it liked it Aug 03, Luanna I.

Have a conversation with your body, acknowledge and release old traumas, get inspired to take care of yourself, and heal what has been stuck in your physiology so you can enjoy the vibration of exceptional health.

This DVD set can change your life as you learn how to release the traumas that have been effecting your physiology. Based on the successful experiment conducted by Carol Look, you are guided to improve your vision by releasing pent up emotions stored in your eyes.

Emotions such as fear, guilt, anger, and shame apparently show up in every other part of our anatomy and physiology, why not in our eyesight? In an easy to follow style, this book combines: the simplicity of EFT, the fun of Abundance Games, the power of the Law of Attraction, and tips to help you magnetize success into your life. Tune in, listen and tap along with a group of like minded individuals who are working "live" in a workshop to clear their limiting beliefs to attract abundance with EFT and Law of Attraction.

Change your own limiting beliefs, release resistance, and build your prosperity consciousness as if you were attending this workshop in person. Tap along with Carol as your coach to clear your limiting beliefs, raise your vibration, and learn how to attract abundance with EFT. Name required. E-mail required, but will not display.

Notify me of follow-up comments. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Whether teaching Attracting Abundance with EFT classes in person or conducting the tele-series, I find it easier to separate the work into 4 major themes or steps as follows: THE 4 STEPS: Step I: Clearing Blocks to Success During one of my tele-classes in the series, titled Clearing Blocks to Success, one caller, "Debbie," stated she was convinced she never made the right or good enough decisions for her life and because of this, she believed she would never be financially successful.

We tapped together as follows: Starting on the Karate Chop Point: "Even though I'm convinced I can't make good decisions, I choose to decide what's good for me now, as I deeply and completely accept myself. UA: Maybe I don't deserve success anyway H: Maybe I'll never make the right decisions Then I asked her to tap the eight points for a second round skipping the karate chop point focusing more on what she wanted.

We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though it's all my fault, and I shouldn't have left him, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway. We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though we were too different, and I don't feel like I belong, I deeply and completely accept all of me. Chin: I feel insecure about money Collarbone: I can't handle this anxiety about money Under Arm: I'm afraid to get my hopes up Top of Head: I must be careful about money.

Then we tapped a second round on more positive suggestions: EB: I enjoy knowing there is enough SE: I love feeling safe and secure about money UE: I choose to feel safe about money now UN: I believe that there will always be more than enough CH: I appreciate my prosperity consciousness CB: I choose to expand my prosperity consciousness UA: I am enough H: I'm grateful for all the abundance in my life.

We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though I need to hold on to my money, I deeply and completely accept myself and my feelings. We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though I don't deserve prosperity because they never valued me, I choose to value myself right now. EB: What if I'm the one who wants to leave? SE: What if there's enough for all of us? We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though I feel stuck again, but I can't release the control, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Under Arm: I don't feel safe about money Head: I can't release control. Then we tapped a typical second round with more positive statements. EB: I choose to feel safe as I release control SE: I can be safe when I'm not in control UE: I am in control now by feeling relaxed UN: I love feeling free CH: I deserve to attract financial abundance CB: I am a magnet for profitable opportunities UA: I love attracting abundance H: I appreciate how easy it is to release the control Another of the participants, "Cathy" informed the group that she must be "vibrating" at a level of poverty consciousness because she never had enough clients and the ones that call her always need drastically reduced fees anyway!

We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though they won't like me if I'm successful, I deeply and completely accept my desires. We tapped as follows: Karate Chop Point: "Even though I'm afraid to be successful, I choose to feel more energy moving through my body. UA: I feel ashamed of having desires H: I accept that I want more Then we tapped to resolve this conflict: Karate Chop Point: "Even though I have this conflict about succeeding, I deeply and completely accept all parts of me.

We are dedicated to the EFT community and strive to maintain a respectful, engaging and informative conversation about EFT.


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