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Book , Online - Google Books. Table of contents Broken link? Publisher description Broken link? Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references p. If instead you're looking for a trig-based physics book, search for ISBN Note that the calculus-based edition includes all of material from the trig-based book, plus coverage of the calculus-based justeetredehors.
Abstract Sound waves are considered, taking into account the wave equation, the speed of sound, acoustic energy and intensity, the simple source, the acoustic dipole, compact source regions in general, compact source regions with dipole far fields, ripple-tank simulations, scattering by compact bodies, quadrupole radiation, radiation from spheres, radiation from plane walls, and dissipation of.
Waves in Fluids by Lighthill, Sir James and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at justeetredehors. A wave can be described just like a field, namely as a function , where is a position and is a time. The value of is a point of space, specifically in the region where the wave is defined. In mathematical terms, it is usually a vector in the Cartesian three-dimensional justeetredehors. Chapter Five discusses acoustic waves in fluids.
The remainder of the book offers concise coverage of hydrodynamic waves at a liquid surface, general waves in isotropic elastic solids, electromagnetic waves, the phenomenon of wave diffraction, and other important justeetredehors. The subject of water waves engaged many of the mathematicians and mathe- matical physicists of the last century.
Moreover, the last several years have brought a renewed interest in the theory of water waves. In addition to this extensive literature on theoretical aspects of the subject, there have also been.
This book is focused on acoustic waves in fluid media and elastic perturbations in heterogeneous media. Many different systems are analyzed in this book like layered media, solitons, piezoelectric substrates, crystalline systems, granular materials, interface waves, phononic crystals, acoustic levitation and soft media. Last edited by Aragal. Waves in fluids by Lighthill, M.
Written in English Subjects: Waves. Edition Notes Statement James Lighthill. L53 The Physical Object Pagination xv, p. Share this book. Note Includes indexes. Isbn Ask a Librarian! Library Locations Map Details. African Studies Library Borrow it. Alumni Medical Library Borrow it. Astronomy Library Borrow it. Fineman and Pappas Law Libraries Borrow it. Frederick S. Pardee Management Library Borrow it. Mugar Memorial Library Borrow it.