The installation checker will focus on tiny details of SSL configuration like key size, certificate provider name, certificate expiry date, serial number and many other important details. Click on Add under the Standalone tab. Install SSL certificate on MS Exchange Server After installation of intermediate certificate, it is time to install main certificate on the server, which complies below procedure.
Copy the file and save it on the same server you used to create the CSR. You should also reboot your ISA server after the import. To verify if your certificate is installed correctly, use our Certificate Installation Checker. Once the certificate has been issued by the Certificate Authority, you need to import the certificate into the Exchange server.
After installing the certificate onto your Exchange server, you will need to enable it for use with the POP3 protocol. Once the certificate has been issued by the Certificate Authority, create a new file called certnew. Open the certnew. After the certificate has been installed you will need to enable it for use with the POP3 protocol. The first step is to obtain the certificate-thumbprint of the installed certificate. Open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command:.
The output should be similar to:. The final step is to ensure that the certificate has been enabled for successfully for POP3. Open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command: The output should be similar to:. Organized guides for every product. I hope this helps.
Exchange is somewhat different for some reason. I will post that at some point too. I buy certs from GlobalSign in case you need a recommendation for who to use. Home Collaboration Microsoft Exchange How-tos. Exchange SSL Certificate installation. Randy Chapman. Dec 07, 1 Minute Read.